How Do I Tell Someone I Like Them?

May 26, 2009

R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N. That big, scary nine-letter word that we’re conditioned from an early age to avoid at all costs. Sometimes, we try so hard to avoid the dreaded R-word that we never actually go for what we truly desire. One particular area of our lives where our fear of rejection can really slap us in the […]


Control Your Life, Don’t Let Life Control You

May 17, 2009

We often fall into the mindset that we have no control over our lives. Usually, we like to play victim when things aren’t going so well – maybe our job sucks, we’re overweight, we’re in an unsatisfying relationship, or we’re lonely. We’ll blame whatever shortcomings exist in our lives on our past, bad luck, or […]


Why Are Women So Obnoxious?

May 3, 2009

As much as I like to rant about the lack of chivalry in the general male population today, I must admit there is one area in which men beat us ladies hands down. I’m sure you’ve had those times in the street where you’ve had to walk out of your way to avoid colliding with […]