A Man With the Guts to Take a Stand Against Domestic Violence

October 5, 2013

The role of men taking a stand against domestic violence is not commonly discussed in our culture, but Jackson Katz brings this issue to the forefront in his truly moving TED Talk. Sadly, the fight for equality has become unpopular in recent times. Women who stand up for their rights are told to stop whinging; […]


The “Fuck This” Moment in Abusive Relationships

December 11, 2011

Everyone has had a “fuck this” moment. It’s that moment in which you became painfully aware that you deserve more out of a relationship than what you are getting. Even emotionally-beaten domestic violence victims have fleeting moments where they realise their self-worth. I clearly remember the night that I was arguing with my abuser when […]


Resolving Relationship Conflict Effectively

July 1, 2011

“You were so hard on your ex-boyfriend. Every tiny little thing that he did wrong, you’d just bring the book down on his head. Hard.” That was something my brother said to me about one of my previous relationships. It has stuck in my head ever since. Of course, I didn’t see it that way […]


Does He Love Me? Self-Esteem & Relationships

June 4, 2011

Congratulations! You’ve met the “perfect” guy. You have heaps of chemistry, but there’s a small caveat: he’s been “hurt in the past” and “isn’t ready for a relationship just yet” so you’re “taking things slow” and giving him plenty of “space” to “help him work through his feelings” without “pressure.” Oh! Oh! Let me guess…your […]


Why Nice Girls Love Bad Boys

January 14, 2011

Ever wondered why bad boys get laid so often, while nice guys get kicked to the curb? What is it about that guy you know is a no-hoper, but seems to be a total chick magnet? Enter the Bad Boy He’s that guy with the tattoos and piercings everywhere. The foul-mouthed smart-arse who says exactly […]


Trust in Relationships

December 23, 2010

Are you the girl who throws an Oscar-winning hissy fit if your boyfriend dares to cast a cursory glance in another woman’s direction? Are you the guy who can’t handle your girlfriend hanging out with other men, spinning that lame “It’s not you I don’t trust, it’s them” crap? Do you feel upset if someone […]


I Like Someone But They’re Better Than Me (and other such nonsense)

September 13, 2010

“The only reason you don’t have the relationship you want is because of the story you keep telling yourself about why you can’t have it.” – Tony Robbins Men aren’t attracted to me. There are better/smarter/prettier/richer/classier/more elegant/sexier/more successful women out there. Hmm…sound like a familiar internal dialogue ladies? Well, here’s the bad news: it’s true. […]


How to be Attractive

May 29, 2010

Be yourself. End of post. Just joking. Well, about the end of the post anyway. Not about the content. There is something inherently attractive about a person who conveys that they are comfortable in their own skin. The way they think, speak, and act says loud and clear “I don’t care what you think of […]


How to be Beautiful

September 13, 2009

Am I beautiful? Do other people think I’m pretty? How do I measure up against other women? How can I look and feel more beautiful than what I do right now? These are questions that have crossed every woman’s mind at least once, and I can guarantee you that most women think about these questions […]


Why Are Women So Obnoxious?

May 3, 2009

As much as I like to rant about the lack of chivalry in the general male population today, I must admit there is one area in which men beat us ladies hands down. I’m sure you’ve had those times in the street where you’ve had to walk out of your way to avoid colliding with […]