Building Trust in Open Relationships

January 24, 2014

Trust is the cornerstone of every good relationship. It is the foundation of a strong bond. To trust another person is to feel a sense of security that someone has your back, the confidence that they’ll be there for you when you need them, and the comfort of knowing that whatever you face in life, […]


Loving Responsibly: An Exploration of Open Relationships

December 3, 2013

I love relationships. I love writing about them. I love experiencing them. I love learning about the people with whom I connect. There is nothing more rewarding than feeling another person open up and trust you, accept you for who you are, behold you with a sense of deep care and affection, and vice versa. […]


Assert Yourself – You’re a Woman, Not a Wimp

February 5, 2012

Self-esteem typically enters a trough as you fumble your way through those formidable teenage years on your journey to womanhood. If you’re fortunate, your self-esteem develops in it’s own time as you mature and become comfortable in your own skin. Unfortunately, many women enter their twenties and beyond feeling every bit as awkward as they […]


When to Say I Love You

February 20, 2011

“You ask me if I love you, and I choke on my reply. I’d rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie” – Sometimes When We Touch by Dan Hill When is the right time to say I love you? How long is a piece of string? Really, both questions make equal sense. […]


How To Travel Together Without Strangling Your Partner

February 6, 2011

Chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake. Especially with really thick icing on the top and sides. Warmed slightly, with mouth-watering chunks of semi-melted chocolate throughout. Decorated with delicious chocolate shavings on top with a side tub of thick, rich, chocolate sauce. And a strawberry. Don’t forget the strawberry. As much as I adore chocolate cake, […]


Trust in Relationships

December 23, 2010

Are you the girl who throws an Oscar-winning hissy fit if your boyfriend dares to cast a cursory glance in another woman’s direction? Are you the guy who can’t handle your girlfriend hanging out with other men, spinning that lame “It’s not you I don’t trust, it’s them” crap? Do you feel upset if someone […]


Do You Really Know Yourself?

March 14, 2010

Who are you? Really, answer the question. I’ll wait. In fact, I’ll answer it too. If someone asked me that question, for the sake of social convenience I would answer something like this: I’m Taz, a 20-something year old Brisbanite. I’m professional web designer/developer. I follow a vegan diet. I’m a former domestic violence victim turned […]


When Love Isn’t Enough

August 3, 2009

I’ve been flying under the radar the last couple of months after a rather preoccupied ride on that oscillating happy-sad rollercoaster called love. Now that I’ve got my own head around it, I think it’s time to share another one of my epic love-life case studies. I recently got knocked for six by one of […]


How Do I Tell Someone I Like Them?

May 26, 2009

R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N. That big, scary nine-letter word that we’re conditioned from an early age to avoid at all costs. Sometimes, we try so hard to avoid the dreaded R-word that we never actually go for what we truly desire. One particular area of our lives where our fear of rejection can really slap us in the […]


Admit It When You Screw Up! – How to Say I’m Sorry

March 15, 2009

Nobody is perfect. I know I’m not! There are times that we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we neglect and upset the people close to us without intending to. I’m going to tell you about a recent example from my own life where I screwed up in one of my friendships, […]