Building Trust in Open Relationships

January 24, 2014

Trust is the cornerstone of every good relationship. It is the foundation of a strong bond. To trust another person is to feel a sense of security that someone has your back, the confidence that they’ll be there for you when you need them, and the comfort of knowing that whatever you face in life, […]


Relationship Jumping and Emotional Dependence

December 25, 2013

The aftermath of a relationship’s demise is a mental minefield. Emotions are in overdrive. Hormones go haywire. Self-doubt spikes. Self-esteem dive-bombs. It’s a tough gig to get up day after day, apply a touch of smile, a sweet scent of civility, and breeze unfalteringly through yet another routine day without raising suspicion that your soul […]


Loving Responsibly: An Exploration of Open Relationships

December 3, 2013

I love relationships. I love writing about them. I love experiencing them. I love learning about the people with whom I connect. There is nothing more rewarding than feeling another person open up and trust you, accept you for who you are, behold you with a sense of deep care and affection, and vice versa. […]


Dealing with Jealousy in a Relationship

September 30, 2011

At first, it seems fairly innocuous. You’ve just started dating. You love each other’s company. You want to spend every moment together. It’s mutual. It’s normal. You feel so special, because your new guy wants to spend all of his time with you. Then it starts. Relationship Jealousy: The Red Flags You notice that he […]


Resolving Relationship Conflict Effectively

July 1, 2011

“You were so hard on your ex-boyfriend. Every tiny little thing that he did wrong, you’d just bring the book down on his head. Hard.” That was something my brother said to me about one of my previous relationships. It has stuck in my head ever since. Of course, I didn’t see it that way […]


Judging Others is Judging Yourself

May 26, 2011

Last year I met an interesting boy. Every time I saw him, he was wearing the same clothing. Same shirt. Same jeans. Same shoes. I didn’t know why, but it bothered me. I could have cared less about the boy’s wardrobe and his dress sense, so why did it irk me? Eventually, I realised that […]


When to Say I Love You

February 20, 2011

“You ask me if I love you, and I choke on my reply. I’d rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie” – Sometimes When We Touch by Dan Hill When is the right time to say I love you? How long is a piece of string? Really, both questions make equal sense. […]


Trust in Relationships

December 23, 2010

Are you the girl who throws an Oscar-winning hissy fit if your boyfriend dares to cast a cursory glance in another woman’s direction? Are you the guy who can’t handle your girlfriend hanging out with other men, spinning that lame “It’s not you I don’t trust, it’s them” crap? Do you feel upset if someone […]


Following Your Heart

November 23, 2010

Feeling happy is about following your heart rather than trying to fit some arbitrary ideal. Often, the major mental blocks to living the life we want are concern over other people’s opinions and our tendency to catastrophise future events. We place so much importance on these projections that we stifle our souls and sacrifice our […]


Love and Connection 101

October 26, 2010

Weird stuff happens whenever I feel disconnected from other people. Technology especially has an amazingly regular habit of malfunctioning. My Internet connection gets flaky. My mobile phone falls off the network and flat-out refuses to receive messages for days at a time. Saying I feel disconnected from other people is really just a synonym for […]